State Interlock Programs
Guardian is a trusted provider of alcohol interlock programs on behalf of state government authorities throughout Australia. These programs are targeted at high-risk, serious, and repeat drink-driving offenders, and have been shown to reduce repeat offenses, improve road safety, and lower insurance premiums for drivers who complete the program successfully.
Enrollment in the alcohol interlock program follows a disqualification period and requires the installation of an alcohol interlock device in the offender’s vehicle by an approved Guardian Service Centre.
The alcohol interlock device prevents the offender from driving the vehicle under the influence and reports any attempted breaches to Guardian and the relevant state authority.
The device is an electronic breath-testing device connected to the ignition of cars, motorcycles, and heavy vehicles. Before starting the vehicle, the driver must provide a breath sample that the interlock analyses for the presence of alcohol. If a positive sample is detected, the vehicle will not start. Additionally, randomly timed breath tests must be passed during a journey to ensure that the driver remains sober while driving. In some states, the alcohol interlock also includes a camera that takes a photograph of the person providing the breath sample to reduce the driver’s risk of circumventing the program.
Guardian 2030 Interlock Training Video for:
ACTInterlock Program
Learn MoreNSWInterlock Program
Learn MoreNTInterlock Program
Learn MoreQLDInterlock Program
Learn MoreSAInterlock Scheme
Learn MoreTASInterlock Program
Learn MoreVICInterlock Program
Learn MoreWAInterlock Scheme
Learn MoreWhat are the Steps Involved in an Interlock Program/Scheme?
Below is an outline of the steps involved in an alcohol interlock program or scheme. These steps are intended to be a general overview of the program, as each state has different eligibility requirements. Details provided by your state government will offer more specific information than we can cover here.
Step 1Schedule an Install
Step 2Installation & Training
Step 3Complete Mandated Period
Step 4Removal of Interlock Device / Interlock Device Removal
FAQFrequently Asked Questions
What Is an Offender Interlock Program?
If you have committed a drink driving offence, you may lose your licence and be disqualified from driving for a specified period of time. After this disqualification period, you will be required by the Road Traffic Authority or courts to participate in an offender alcohol interlock program as mandated by your state authority, to demonstrate that you can drive responsibly without the influence of alcohol.
As part of your offender alcohol interlock program, you will be given a new licence with an interlock condition, meaning you cannot legally drive any vehicle without an ignition interlock device fitted. If you own multiple vehicles and wish to drive them, you must have an alcohol interlock fitted to each vehicle.
Offender driving behaviour will be monitored for the duration of the program. To complete the program, you must demonstrate the ability to separate drinking and driving over a specified period. However, significant or repeated violations, such as attempting to drink and drive, missed or failed retests or tampering with the alcohol interlock, may lead to extended time on the program and additional penalties.
Are Interlock Programs Just for Offenders?
No. Guardian also has interlock systems for private employers and individuals. Please refer to our Private Interlocks section for more information.
What Counts as a Drink Driving Offence?
The exact criteria for drink driving offences vary from state to state. But as a general reference, such offences could include; recording breath alcohol (BAC) exceeding the legal limit or a high BAC, obtaining multiple drink driving offences within a certain period, and refusing to provide a breath sample to a police officer. Please see your state’s interlock program information page for more information.
Heavy penalties apply for driving while disqualified.
How Long Do I Have to Stay on The Program?
The minimum and maximum interlock programs will vary depending on the offence and the state. Offenders will only complete the program when they have demonstrated sufficient and prolonged responsible driving behaviour. Any violations of the program can extend the period of participation. Please check your state’s alcohol interlock program information page for specific guidance.
I Don't Want to Take Part in The Interlock Program – What Do I Do?
In most cases, the alcohol interlock program is a mandatory requirement for individuals to regain a full licence after a period of disqualification from driving. If you choose not to participate, you may face an extended period of disqualification or other penalties, depending on your home state. Please see your state’s interlock program information page for more information.
What are the Program Fees?
The cost of an alcohol interlock program is determined by the state, concession status, and vehicle of the participant. Please see your state’s interlock program information page for more information. A list of our fees can also be found on this website.
Concession eligibility requirements vary from state to state. Participants authorise Guardian to confirm card validity and rate, by a submitted e-Services Form. Click here to find an online form to complete and submit.
I Can’t Afford My Interlock Anymore, What Can I Do?
The best plan is to have the interlock removed until you are able to afford it. Removal and reinstall charges will apply but the lease costs continue and can end up costing you more than the removal/install. In most states an early termination fee also applies but is refunded if you return within 6 months.
It is a good idea to contact Guardian for advice if you are having difficulties to avoid unwanted additional fees and your account being escalated. We will do our best to work with you to assist in difficult situations.
What Happens If I Fail a Breath Test When Using the Interlock?
If the interlock detects alcohol in your breath sample, it will register a ‘fail’, and the ignition will be locked (a ‘lockout’). You will be able to do another breath test after a short period of time, but please note that after a certain number of lockouts, the vehicle will be immobilised. The information is sent to the Road Traffic Authority in your State and could extend your program participation period.
What Happens If I Miss a Retest When Using the Interlock?
Always take a retest when requested, even if you are about to turn the vehicle off. Missed retests are considered a violation, and may require you to return to the service centre for an unscheduled service, and can cause the alarms to sound if not taken.
I'm Locked Out of My Vehicle – What Do I Do?
If your interlock enters SVCLCK or VIOLOCK you will need a code to be able to start the vehicle. In this case, you will need to pay for a code to enable you to return your vehicle to the service centre. You will need the call code from the head unit to complete your purchase. This can be obtained by pressing #5 on your head unit while the ignition is on. “UNLOCK xxhr” will display and countdown once the code is entered. Ensure you return to the service centre prior to 0 hours or you will need to purchase another code. The code period provided is detailed on code SMS.
Is It Possible to Bypass or Tamper with The Alcohol Interlock?
Alcohol interlocks are fitted with a number of anti-tamper systems. There is a specific technique used to provide a sample, a certain volume of breath is needed, and further samples will be requested at random points in the journey. Tampering with the device will cause recalls and you may incur additional penalties, as tampering is reported to your state authorities.
I Haven't Been Drinking, but the Ignition Interlock Has Detected Alcohol In My Breath Sample – Why Is This?
There could be a number of reasons for this – certain foods or mouthwash containing alcohol for example, we recommend that you do not eat or drink for 5-15 minutes prior to taking a test and that you rinse your mouth with water first. If you think this may be the reason for your test failure, wait a few minutes and try again. Your user manual provides you with advice on this. If you continue to have problems with your interlock device, please contact Guardian or your nearest service centre for advice.
Can the Interlock Stop My Car?
The interlock will stop you starting your car if it is in lockout but it will never stop your car while the engine is running. If you miss or fail a retest and don’t take a subsequent test in the countdown period the alarms will sound and indicator lights will flash but the vehicle will not turn off unless you turn the ignition off yourself. Turning the ignition off will turn the alarms off.
Leading Interlock Products
Guardian offers premium quality, accurate and effective interlock systems for vehicles across Australia. To learn more about the products that we offer and install at our Service Centres, please follow the link below.